Saturday, March 16

Mermaid Hairpins DIY

 The tea party is getting closer and closer.  I want my mermaids to feel pretty so I made a few mermaid hairpins.  

You will need small dried starfish, hair clips, quilt batting scraps, scissors and hot glue gun! 

 To each starfish I glued a small piece of scrap quilt batting to the back, felt would work too.

Then after the glue was dry I attached a small hair clip to the back.  Be careful not to glue the clip shut.



  1. Too funny! I made some starfish bobby pins just earlier this week.

  2. That is funny, I was back and forth between the clips and bobby pins. I bet yours turned out cute.

  3. These are adorable! Your mermaids will feel right at home in them :-)

  4. Thanks Cynthia, I sure hope so!


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