Thursday, July 18

Happy 200!

Wow I cant believe it, 200 blog posts and two years of awesome fun.  When I set up my blog I never put anything into my profile, or bio.  I just thought the title said it, I'm short; enough said. I decided a great way to celebrate 200 would be to write a little bio about myself.

What I like to do:  Sew, eat, pet the dogs, cook, hang out with my husband, play in the garden, read, blog, get all artsy farts on something and of course spend time with the family.

So where do I got from there that about sums it up, right?   So now I'm thinking how about a "try it"  bucket list.  What kinds of stuff do I want to try and blog about over the next 100 posts. I truly hope to mark them off as I go!

-Redecorate the bedroom to something that doesn't have that, contractor poorly picked out the colors charm.
-try dying fabric, perhaps silk or linen
-have someone over for tapas
-take an online cooking class
-return to Disney
-return to the Phipps
-get a degree in astrophysics
-become a Dr Who fan, it looks like fun
-finish a quilt for me
-get better at baking cakes
-reach 300 blogs
-learn to use the grill smoker
-trellis a rose, and hopefully not kill it
-make something out of old keys, or new keys that look like old keys
-run a 5K
-start writing a cookbook with my mom.
-crochet something cool

 Doesn't seem like much to do in 100 blogs, but I'm sure I will get side tracked somewhere along the line, kinda like how this started out as a bio.


  1. Becoming a Doctor Who fan is the easiest thing on your list. All you have to do is watch at least 2 episodes of season on netflix. I am rather late to the Doctor Who fan base, but I was hooked from the first episode and now that I am all caught up--I can't wait to see season 8!

    Running the 5K is also an easy task. Charities of all sorts have 5K runs spring through fall. These are usually the best because it's not about your run time. My first 5K I walked about half of it and ran the last half (because I hadn't trained). It's great fun!

    I Like your list of things to do over the next 100 blogs. It's made me think about starting a list of my own. Have fun and I hope you check them all off!

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I cant wait to see where it all ends up.


Please know this blog is like having you as a guest in my home. Therefore, don't say anything on here you wouldn't say at my dinner table!