Thursday, May 24

What I learned at Disney

Well its true Disney World really is the happiest place on earth.  I went, I saw, I conquered lots of pavement and had a blast doing it.  Little did I know that the trip was going to turn into and educational experience.  With that I give you the list of things I learned in Disney. 

I am still capable of squealing like a five year old when Cinderella waves at me.

"Its boring but it has AC", is the last thing you utter when walking into the bear jamboree. 

Expect to be humming the carousel of tomorrow’s theme song for many days to come.

Multiple trips through pirates of the Caribbean is a great way to spend a rainy afternoon.

After several hours of the Florida sun, Spanish on the monorail announcement is funny.

Strollers make un predictable sudden stops, however if you have to get behind someone pushing a stroller make sure its a man.  Dads stop for nothing, they just keep pushing the stroller.

Watch for the grumpy lady on the hover round. 

If they look like they smell bad, they probably do. 

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