Saturday, August 25


I had the pleasure this week of enjoying a cup of coffee with a girlfriend from college.   While  we were catching up I eyeballed her purse and said "that is so cute and I love the brooch on the handle".   When I She said she got the purse here at Target.  Then I asked if the broach came with it and she said "no the handle was too long so I pinned it". Being a short girl as myself I think this is a genius idea!  Instead of tying a knot, or stitching a hem of sorts  she used a brooch to pin up the extra length. 

Not the best picture but you get the idea.


  1. That is a great idea! I have a purse that is very similar, it even came up when I looked at the tread, but I like the long handle because I can throw it over my head and have it cross my body.

  2. Shawnee - I also like to wear a cross body style. Funny thing, she is so short it was even to long for that!


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