Thursday, November 8

Recipe - White Trash

White Trash

This is combination candy and snack mix; sweet and salty.  This yields about 6 cups.

4 cups Rice Chex cereal
2 1/2 cups pretzels broken into bite size pieces
1 cup cocktail peanuts
1/2 cup M&Ms 
1/2 cup peanut butter chips
2 Tbs vegetable Shortening 
2 1/2 cups white chocolate chips

-Mix the first three ingredients together in a large bowl.
 -In the microwave (or a double broiler) heat the white chocolate chips and shortening together.  I recommend checking the chip packaging for instructions so the chocolate doesn't get scorched.
  -Pour the melted white chocolate over the dry ingredients and mix to coat.
 -When the chocolate is almost set gently stir in the M&Ms and peanut butter chips. This way they wont melt in the hot white chocolate when you are working to coat the other dry ingredients. 

-Spread the mixture over foil, parchment paper or a silicone mat and let it set up.  Then break into small pieces and store in a zip-lock bag or other air tight container.

Little back ground history on the photo.  I made this on a Sunday and came home after work on Monday to take a picture.  This was all that was left in the bag.  It makes quite a bit so I split it up to give to my MIL and take into work.  My husband and some of his work associates were at the house, this was all they left in our bag.   It as nice not to have it tempting me.   You will also notice I threw in some toasted pumpkin seeds, just a handful that needed to be eaten up. 

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