Friday, January 24

Etsy Shop - take.... I duno three or four?

I am easily consumed by anything involving fabric.  Shopping for it, using it, stashing it, organizing it, did I mention shopping for it?  Finding the time to create can be a daunting task, there is the mess to contend with and the need for space to really make the project enjoyable.  Then I'm left with what to do when the finished product.   Some are given as gifts, others I use myself, and when I have the time I like to turn to Etsy.  So here is the Etsy shop, yet again. I have decided that instead blogging every time I relaunch, adding a fancy shop feed to the blog will be better. (see right side of your screen).  The goal is to fill the shop with practical, useful items created with a little whimsy and a lot of love.


Zipper bags to bring a little fun organization to your purse, desk or vanity.

Aprons with niffty snappy pockets to help while cleaning,  procurement at yard sales, or vending at a craft show.

Cupcake greeting cards, appliqued in delicious pastel prints.

Perfect for tea parties or hostess gifts, cocktail napkins with a shabby vintage feel.

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